domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010


What is expectation? In own words are what someone wants about something. Goals, behavior and thins related whit the personality could be involved in expectation. How the people should be? , How I should be? , what can you do? , what can I do? Are questions linked with the topic that we are developing during the lecture and also is a topic that should be considered everywhere because it refers that the people has a special way to achieve goals towards the support and feeling supported by others.

From the beginning everybody wants something for the future of someone, the parents want that his baby could be a professional and successfully in the job with a great family and things like that, things that the parents could thing. Another example is that: if you practice a sport, the trainer always think that you are capable to do the specific labor, been faster, shot the ball, jump, and things that the players should do. As those examples, we could say many, the real thing is that for some people you are capable to do something special and it means that the person should make the best effort to achieve the challenges of others that maybe are the same goals that the person has.

Those things explained before in examples are exposed in journals and magazines as a special and important thing in the “perception on the quality of the human relationships and organizational performance” exposed in the journal of management development in the web page. (Taken from ). As organizational is possible to understand that inside the corporations or industries the human relationship between employees, managers, crew members and owners are important to believe that the team can do the right thing and been successful in the organizational capacities.

As the good feelings and ways of think about something or someone should develop a positive effect in the others, in the same way been negative about something will things happen negative because unconsciously if you think that you can’t achieve something, when you try to do that, you won’t do properly, or if in your mind someone cannot do something unconsciously you will be unconfident to that person and he or she won’t be comfortable doing what has to do.

Also it could affect the way of life. When a person has problems in any of the life ambits, could happen that he thinks that everything goes against and reading papers, listening news or just talking, the thing that is going to listen or read could be a new problem to him. It happens when in the mind you are already pre disposed and the mind will create a background where everything goes against you.

This is a summary of the effect with examples:

Our belief influence in our action: when you think and believe that everybody has to be “normal” as the common of the people, for example if you think that gay people are different, your actions could be been indifferent or reject them because you believe and thing that they are wrong.

Our actions impact other belief: if you work in company as a boss of a group of people and you always tell them that they are bad or just not so good, when they prepare something for you, they won’t do the best effort because they know that you won’t be happy with the job that they developed, because you act as a intransigent boss.

Other belief cause other actions: in the religion, if the people think that doesn’t exist someone superior that could create the word, they will act as if the world were created by science or something different and they won’t do things as the people that believe in superior forces do as pray.

Others actions reinforce our belief: what others do will reinforce our belief because if we think that it is wrong we will continue thinking in what we believe and if we think that what they do is normal nothing will change the way of think.


picture taken from:

3 comentarios:

  1. Dani, I agree with your deffinition of expectations and with the examples you gave. When you know someone trusts you to do something or expect you act in a certain way, you usually put more effort in those activities in order to don't let them down, and as you try to do a better job is very possible that you succeed.
    I think the part where you say that other's actions reinforce our beliefs is very true. In our daily activities and relationships we can se how we tend to take the actions commited by others to reinforce the perceptions we have of them and we don't take into acount the actions that discourage what we think about somebody.

  2. Daily activities show us great examples of the pygmalion effect. As you were mentioning, it all comes down to what people expect from us, bosses, family, society, and even ourselves. Even though people are different, we belong to societies, and we are expected to act a certain way, and this incentinves act as motivation to become in what we are capable of doing and being.
    Great blog!

  3. i like the examples tha you provided snd the way you include them to explain th theory of the pygmalion effect , yo make a clear deffiniton , and you provide possible actual escenarios ,i agree with you in the fact that beilives influence action in a our daily bais, in most of all aspects in our life.
