lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010


Havin information from the film "corporations" by Joel Bakan, Mark Achbar, Naomi Klein and Avi lewis were possible to make this analisys.

Making emphasis in the situation of the corporations at the unites states which is considered as the best place to invest, is really important to say that corporations have been growing as a kind of frankestain creation due the fact that the corporations started to look after the idea of been productive more than been kind and understand the role of the personnel. It means that the money and profits left the idea of been familiar corporations.

The incredible thing is that while the corporations started to think more in the production process and the profits with the idea of “more things per men an hour” they started to leave the heart at the association of people, because the managers made that the corporations in their acts cheat or lie trying to achieve profits.

Examples like the one that happens with NIKE where they use the labor force of foreign countries due the low labor cost in the production country such as the ones of Latin America and Africa where they just have to pay low salaries because for the people who live there is more than the money that they can earn in a normal job.

Based on that example, and taking in account that there are many examples like this, the possibility that the companies should be judge and treat as the persons are should be considered and applied and when it happen will be possible to see that the companies will return to the idea of been familiar and where the employees and the environment will be protected. The idea is that corporations could be handled by people but also could be judged like the persons are when they were considered guilty at any rights violation against other corporations or any person who doesn’t receive payroll and the common allowances that anybody receive as an employee. The idea is that companies find the competitive way in legal terms.

In the same way is possible to see that marketing and the treat with customers is really small, it because even they sale the products that are demanded by the society, always corporations win more than the wining of the customers.

There is when is possible to explain that should be a line between corporations and humans in terms of rights, and it means that should exist because from the beginning of the companies, those have been having a transformation and now they act as persons with huge mistakes that affect other people and groups or associations.

From the base of the rights and acts explained before could be explained the idea of that the companies and corporations have to be responsible of their acts even if it is difficult due the fact that now days the governments protect them with regulations that directly benefit the corporation for over the person. Also each entity has rules that had approval from the regulators and every act that they develop is made over the idea of been inside the regulations. The example is the NIKE one where the production in other country isn’t regulated and also because is one of the most important corporations around the world.

The solution to involve the companies in the responsibility of their acts have to be made by the regulations that impose the work with responsibility and respecting the person in terms of producers and clients and imposing that the companies who attempt against the nature or the person should pay any reward. The thing is that in this kind of things, companies create foundations or protect the environment just because the taxes are lower or something like that when the idea is that they act without any economical idea.

Is possible that the corporations respond for their acts if the society all start to demand that idea of protect that the “most important thing is the customer” but also demanding that the companies have to improve in the take care of the employees. It means that the corporations should change the idea of more and more profits in terms of lower labor cost, now they have to think in profits in terms of sales but having everybody happy with a better life condition and been totally legal and moral.


picture taken from:

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010


In the topic of migrations is really important have clear the differences between the words because even knowing that those have relations, the meaning are different. The migration is the movement from one place to another in terms of countries and could be forced or voluntary migrations depending on the social, economic and politic situation of the home country and the better situation of the host one. The expatriation consist in a movement that is a decision of the company and one or more of the employees are sending to another country and the overseas is the movement of people looking for new experiences, economic or academic but it has to be on the own decision and responsibility to improve the knowledge’s in other culture.

About women is possible to say that always been an important component of international migration. As of 2000, 49 per cent of all international migrants were women or girls, and the proportion of females among international migrants had reached 51 per cent in more developed regions which are explained by the UN in a survey made in 2004 about the development. The women decision to move has to be much with the culture because they want to leave the places where patriarchal authority tradition and the unpowered situation to have autonomy over the decisions and over the situations still been part of the lives.

In this topic is important take in account that women is a point of interest for the IOM because they had to implant in their life a new role when their family migrate and live theme alone, normally husbands are the responsible of the development of the family, so when they broke up, the woman has to change the way of living and normally start been really alone and without any idea of having any labor, furthermore in a different country.

As a solution for this problem of the women benefits, is possible to see that some countries have been studying new kind of policies where the migrants could be accepted and also the woman could be dignified in salary and social benefits. In china the reform to the economy is already studied to give to the woman a greater participation. For this situation have been really important the intervention of the NGO´s, and the citizens, the schools and the woman themselves because those groups have been making pressure to improve the social policies. As part of the job that the groups interesting in the improvement of the status of the woman migrants is included the effort of the governments to join the international treats and regimes working together between women organizations and the governments to guarantee and protect women equal rights.

With the help of the UN the advancement of the woman position have been realized with the ratification of the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, committing China to the protection of all citizens’ basic rights. This allow the idea and the decision of been equal between genders and the ratification that the woman in terms of migrations has some people who take care about the topic.

Ye, Shang, (2010), MigrantWomenWorkers and The Emerging Civil Society in China, [online PDF], retrieved on 6 of October 2010 from:

image tafen from:

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010


In the analysis is possible to say that the fact that cultures are different arround the world isn’t possible that just one way of management could exist. The thing is that in the 20th century the management was developed based on the writings of the age and also based on the western culture which is different to the others cultures like the African one or the Asian one.

Ubuntu and the humanness seem to be words or terminologies related, where people is important and relationship could be considered as fundamental part of the communication and communication considered as a fundament of the management in determinate places.

To be aware of the management in the topic of cultural philosophy the managers should know about the culture and try to have contact with the employees or at least with some of the leaders of the company. It is really important in countries like the African ones and the Latin American ones because the people from those latitudes need feel that they are important, it means that is a kind of reward when they are taken in account.

In those cases is important the background, each country has history and based on that history had been developed the culture, values and belief some good things or possible fears, for example in the African countries that had achieved the democratically life just few years ago is very important that the management of the companies could be elaborated in the plan of ubuntu of the “human interdependence” where the principal fact is the work in synergies, in teams having the suppression of self interest and been important and recognized by the others.

Trying to achieve the benefits for the company is important that every employee could feel comfortable and then the efficiency will be better, it means that should have communication between the top and the bottom of the company hierarchy and for the employee the benefit will be have the communication due the fact that they will be trained by the important areas and also will have a communication face to face where they could express feelings or problems that could be handle for the managers to avoid strikes or low efficiency.

The idea is that ubuntu has a solidarity humanness spirit where cooperation and competitiveness contribute to the best effort of the entire team. The thing is that in teams the work properly and the idea of strike is more effective. “Two brains think more than one” imagine more thinking; imagine a group of people behind the same goal.

picture taken from:


(Mangaliso, P. Mzamo, (2001) Building competitive advantage from ubuntu: Management lessons from South Africa, Academy of Management Executive, vol 15 no 3)

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

Creative Metaphor.

This week task consist in create a creative metaphor that could be used at the business strategy on a company focused on a specific product.
In the lecture about the intercontinental chain of hotel were possible to identify that they used a metaphor to reposition the quality and the importance of the hotels in the customer life. They use metaphors linked with music and used music as the main influential factor that could persuade customers.

"The grind gold served at your cup"

In the task, the product that is going to be exported is the coffee but knowing that coffee is already positioned in many foreign markets the idea is maintain the good image and open new markets where coffee from other latitudes is preferred such as Brazil. The principal thing about the product is that in the future it should have a evolution where flavors could be involved frequently on the Colombian coffee, for example this product could be café honey or coffee honey.
Linked with the metaphor is possible to say that always when the people ask for a cup of coffee they want the best and pure coffee. In places such as Colombia products like coffee and gold are made by the ground and are some of the most appreciated products because of the quality. The idea is that at exporting coffee from Colombia with flavors like honey, people understand that this product is made with the best Colombian quality and is almost valuable as the best world metal, gold. The idea is that while people is having a cup of Colombian coffee immediately think about the great coffee that is produced in Colombia and just enjoy the cup of coffee that is trying.

The strategies are:

• Been part of the “federacion nacional de cafeteros” could help to promote the coffee and the idea should be that they use also the idea of the Colombian coffee as gold. With the federation the possibility to be part of other markets could be easier because they have already contacts and ideas of how enter on a market. Specifically the idea is be part of the Brazilian market because even knowing that they produce the grain, Colombia has a different coffee features and it could be an attractive thing or also evaluating the possibility of make alliances with the Brazilian producers to have a mix between the grains and have a new product to export. It means that the coffee from Colombia and Brazil could have a taste of sweet and biter in the same coffee. It could be a innovation with possibilities to be successful.
• Have alliances with the principal coffee shops in the foreign market, for example companies like star bucks, prêt a manger, eat, and other big chains that use to serve the coffee on the table. The idea is use one of them or if is possible use all of them as allies giving them the best prices and best quality to achieve that possible the Colombian coffee could be sold exclusively in those stores or at least been the principal product.
• The hotel chains around the world could be one of the specific clients. Sale the coffee bags to make coffee in the restaurants. The ideas with them are sale the product and use the chain to promote the quality of the Colombian coffee.

bibliography: picture taken from: (

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010


The last week task was really interesting because we could see which is the idea of our class mates about the topics that we have been developing. In this task was possible to comment on those topics and if you want to see those comments just follow the links. i can tell you that i commented on those blogs because i think that the blogs are really good.

1. the blog of Sara Baena named miragem blue in the topic "buisiness implications on cultural diferences"

2. the blog of Susana Escobar Villegas in the topic "the pygmalion effect"

3. the blog of Camila Jaramillo i commented on the "dealing with cultural differences" topic.

4. on Manuela Hernandez blog i commented on the "pygmalion effect" topic.

5. the blog of Monica Giraldo presented a really interesting video in "the pygmalion effect topic".
biblography: picture taken from (

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010


What is expectation? In own words are what someone wants about something. Goals, behavior and thins related whit the personality could be involved in expectation. How the people should be? , How I should be? , what can you do? , what can I do? Are questions linked with the topic that we are developing during the lecture and also is a topic that should be considered everywhere because it refers that the people has a special way to achieve goals towards the support and feeling supported by others.

From the beginning everybody wants something for the future of someone, the parents want that his baby could be a professional and successfully in the job with a great family and things like that, things that the parents could thing. Another example is that: if you practice a sport, the trainer always think that you are capable to do the specific labor, been faster, shot the ball, jump, and things that the players should do. As those examples, we could say many, the real thing is that for some people you are capable to do something special and it means that the person should make the best effort to achieve the challenges of others that maybe are the same goals that the person has.

Those things explained before in examples are exposed in journals and magazines as a special and important thing in the “perception on the quality of the human relationships and organizational performance” exposed in the journal of management development in the web page. (Taken from ). As organizational is possible to understand that inside the corporations or industries the human relationship between employees, managers, crew members and owners are important to believe that the team can do the right thing and been successful in the organizational capacities.

As the good feelings and ways of think about something or someone should develop a positive effect in the others, in the same way been negative about something will things happen negative because unconsciously if you think that you can’t achieve something, when you try to do that, you won’t do properly, or if in your mind someone cannot do something unconsciously you will be unconfident to that person and he or she won’t be comfortable doing what has to do.

Also it could affect the way of life. When a person has problems in any of the life ambits, could happen that he thinks that everything goes against and reading papers, listening news or just talking, the thing that is going to listen or read could be a new problem to him. It happens when in the mind you are already pre disposed and the mind will create a background where everything goes against you.

This is a summary of the effect with examples:

Our belief influence in our action: when you think and believe that everybody has to be “normal” as the common of the people, for example if you think that gay people are different, your actions could be been indifferent or reject them because you believe and thing that they are wrong.

Our actions impact other belief: if you work in company as a boss of a group of people and you always tell them that they are bad or just not so good, when they prepare something for you, they won’t do the best effort because they know that you won’t be happy with the job that they developed, because you act as a intransigent boss.

Other belief cause other actions: in the religion, if the people think that doesn’t exist someone superior that could create the word, they will act as if the world were created by science or something different and they won’t do things as the people that believe in superior forces do as pray.

Others actions reinforce our belief: what others do will reinforce our belief because if we think that it is wrong we will continue thinking in what we believe and if we think that what they do is normal nothing will change the way of think.


picture taken from:

miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

Conference: "“Dealing with cultural differences” dimension masculinity

Answer to the question #1

Analyzing the conference of Nick B. Mayer “Dealing with cultural differences” was possible to understand different things related with management and the problems that the cultural differences could cause. Based on religion, customs of the people could change and based on the customs is how sometimes negotiations, politics, business or just the relation between two people may suffer problems and create new enemies.
From that analysis and taking in account the dimensions studied and developed by Hofstede and those that were explained with statistics by Mr. Mayer were possible to defined that it is involved in the common development of each kind of society and is introduced In the way of haw is necessary to handle a relation with many cultures to have successful.
From now, having as a base the masculinity vs. feminist dimension, is possible to say that according to what Nick B. Mayer says in the conference “dealing with cultural differences” , the men represented the masculinity think more in achieve and be success and the woman represent the idea of care in others and have a quality life. From that point of analysis and knowing that In Latin America just from few years ago the genders has the same or almost the same participation in the society is possible to understand that the man still been more powerfully and accepted in terms of official things than the famine gender.
The example is the thing that happen in Brazil, the numbers said that in education attending the school, the woman has been increasing the attendance science they became a democratic country, the thing is that even with a better attendance, the woman by 1991 just accounted less than 40% of the labor force (taken from the international business wiki, online,
If they are having more attendance to the education, they have to be the strongest power force in the percentage of workers.
That’s a common example of how is handle this region of the world, where the power is centralized in men, where politics are related with men unless nowadays have been appearing women presidents.
“Countries show a gap between men's values and women's values” as is explained by Greer Hofstede (taken from ).
It means that has different priorities how was explained at the beginning of this post and also cultures has differences in the way of treat the genders. Islam’s where woman doesn’t has participation, Europe where has participation or Latin America where the countries start with the inclusion but still having the position of the men as the main important.


picture taken from:

conference of Nick B. Mayer “Dealing with cultural differences”

lunes, 26 de julio de 2010

Global Warming

Actually, global warming is one of the most common topics of discussion everywhere, street, school, university and also at UN, this link posted before explain how have been affecting the human hand to the weather and how for several years the climate have been rising the levels of extreme temperatures to the highest and the lowest marked during the last years which are abnormality. is important the topic and the explanation of the consequences and causes of that problem because from this point, the people could consider further more the idea of have a good future and a good environment.


the topic of the invasion of the Unites States to Iraq have been a topic whit a controversial development, today still having encounters between people and about the end of the situation, the referenced blog talks something about things that maybe people doesn’t know about what really happen there at the war zone.

The last nobel prize

Sometimes is possible to find great topics in different blogs that could be discussed by different ways because those are composed by controversial topics. As an example the topic of the Nobel Prize given to Obama that is the president of one of the most conflictive nation of the world. Pros and contras could be exposed based on this situation because the new way of governation of the president Obama could be focused in find peace without war but in the other hand he could maintain the idea of being stronger than the others by using weapons and aggressions. The thing is necessary give a Nobel prize to the president of the unites states to avoid any treat at war?