lunes, 26 de julio de 2010

Global Warming

Actually, global warming is one of the most common topics of discussion everywhere, street, school, university and also at UN, this link posted before explain how have been affecting the human hand to the weather and how for several years the climate have been rising the levels of extreme temperatures to the highest and the lowest marked during the last years which are abnormality. is important the topic and the explanation of the consequences and causes of that problem because from this point, the people could consider further more the idea of have a good future and a good environment.


the topic of the invasion of the Unites States to Iraq have been a topic whit a controversial development, today still having encounters between people and about the end of the situation, the referenced blog talks something about things that maybe people doesn’t know about what really happen there at the war zone.

The last nobel prize

Sometimes is possible to find great topics in different blogs that could be discussed by different ways because those are composed by controversial topics. As an example the topic of the Nobel Prize given to Obama that is the president of one of the most conflictive nation of the world. Pros and contras could be exposed based on this situation because the new way of governation of the president Obama could be focused in find peace without war but in the other hand he could maintain the idea of being stronger than the others by using weapons and aggressions. The thing is necessary give a Nobel prize to the president of the unites states to avoid any treat at war?